About Us

Prospectus Novus School, as the name indicates, offers a new beginning to learners with specific learning disabilities and other related problems.  Learners across the entire Pretoria Metropolitan area may be admitted to this  parallel medium school.

Prospectus Novus School meets the unique needs of learners through an inter-disciplinary team approach.


Specific Learning Disability (SLD) is an umbrella term encompassing a variety of learning problems.  The following four general elements are included:

  • Discrepancy between potential and academic performance experienced
  • Developmental and pre-literacy learning difficulties
  • Problems experienced in academic learning skills
  • Neurological disfunction (a lifelong condition), attention and concentration difficulties

Physical causes such as blindness, deafness and mental retardation are excluded.


Admission to Prospectus Novus School is a district driven process.  Please contact the school office for any admission related issues.



Prospectus Novus School offers the ordinary GDE CAPS curriculum from Grade R-9.  A maximum of 20 learners are admitted per class.  Grade 1-4 learners receive the entire spectrum of services.  This includes experienced educators integrating remedial teaching methods in classes.  Consequently learners receive individualised assistance according to their unique needs within the class situation.


The psychologists are responsible for the initial contact with parents / guardians and head the team assessment of the learner.   Support for related emotional and social problems are also available.  The physical needs of learners are addressed by a pediatrician who visits the school once a week.


Learners are assisted by occupational therapists to develop their potential regarding visual perceptual, motor social and pre-occupational skills.


Individual and group sessions focus on speech, understanding, use of language, listening skills and social interaction skills.


Additional RE in small groups by specific Remedial Educators is an essential part of the school services.  Scholastic skills, specifically reading and spelling, are focused on.   The learner receives the opportunity to gradually develop self-confidence in his own academic learning skills within this smaller group situation.


The pediatrician will visit the school once a week for the monitoring of medication.


Additional remedial instruction form part of the services of the school.  The focus is on scholastic skills, specific reading and spelling.  Learners will have the opportunity to build their confidence in a smaller group.


The school nurse is available for basic medical attention.  She also helps with the issuing of medication.


The pediatrician will visit the school once a week for the monitoring of medication.


A social worker is available for the social well being of the learners.



Prospectus Novus Skool, soos die naam aandui, bied ‘n nuwe begin aan leerders met leerprobleme en ander verwante probleme.  Leerders van die hele Pretoria kan toegelaat word tot die parallel medium skool.

Prospectus Novus Skool poog om te voldoen aan die behoeftes van leerders deur gebruik te maak van ‘n multi-dissiplinêre benadering.


Spesifiek leergestremd is ‘n sambreelnaam vir ‘n verskeidenheid van leerprobleme.  Die volgende elemente is ter sprake:

  • Diskripansie tussen potensiële en akademiese prestasie
  • Ontwikkeling en pre-geletterdheidsleerprobleme
  • Probleme in akademiese leervaardighede
  • Neurologiese disfunksie, aandag- en konsentrasieprobleme

Fisiese redes soos blindheid, doofheid en intellektuele probleme word uitgesluit.


Toelating tot Prospectus Novus Skool word behartig deur die distrik.  Skakel gerus die skool vir enige navrae in die verband.


Prospectus Novus Skool bied die GDO kurrikulum aan van Graad R-9.  ‘n Maksimum van 20 leerders word toegelaat tot ‘n klas.  Graad 1-4 leerders ontvang die volledige spektrum van dienste wat by die skool aangebied word.  Ervare onderwysers integreer remediërende onderrigmetodes in die klassituasies.  Leerders ontvang individuele bystand in die klas volgens hulle spesiale behoeftes.


Die sielkundige is verantwoordelik vir die aanvanklike kontak met die ouers/voogde en staan aan die hoof van die evaluasie van ‘n leerder.  Ondersteuning word ook gebied ten opsigte van ‘n kind met emosionele welstand.  Ouerbegeleiding en skakeling met ander lede van die multi-dissiplinêre span, is van kardinale belang.


Leerders word ondersteun deur arbeidsterapeute om hulle potensiaal t.o.v. visuele persepsie, motories sosiale en voorberoepsvaardighede te ontwikkel.


Individuele en groepsessies fokus op spraak, begrip, gebruik van taalvaardighede en sosiale interaksievaardighede.


Die pediater besoek die skool een keer per week vir die monitering van medikasie.


Addisionele remediërende onderrig in klein groepe vorm deel van die skool se dienste.  Daar word veral op skolastiese vaardighede, spesifiek lees en spelling, gekonsentreer.  Die leerders word die geleentheid gebied om stelselmatig selfvertroue te onwikkel in sy/haar leesvaardighede, binne ‘n kleiner groep.


Twee Susters is beskikbaar vir basiese mediese dienste.  Hulle is o.a. behulpsaam met die uitreiking van voorgeskrewe medikasie.


‘n Sosiale werker is beskikbaar  wat behulpsaam is met die sosiale welstand van die leerders.